Command |
Description |
/blockexp |
Block Exp Gaining |
/unblockexp |
unblock to gain exp(if was blocked) |
/showframes |
Show the amount of frames of the game in your computer. |
/ping |
Show current ping to the server |
/rep+ |
/rep+ PLAYER gives good reputation to PLAYER |
/rep- |
/rep- PLAYER gives bad reputation to PLAYER |
/tgt |
/tgt PLAYER makes your summons target PLAYER |
/hold |
Holds your Summons |
/free |
Frees Your Summons |
/follow |
Makes your Summons Follow u |
/showtime |
Show a counter in Seconds |
/to |
/to PLAYER enables private chat to PLAYER |
/tooff |
/tooff PLAYER adds PLAYER to your Ignore list (forever) |
/who |
Show amount of people on Server |
/fi |
/fi PLAYER checks if PLAYER is connected to Game Server |
/setpf |
Set Player Profile |
/pf |
/pf PLAYER shows PLAYER profile |
/joinparty |
/joinparty PLAYER asks PLAYER to join party |
/dismissparty |
Makes playerleave the party |
/partyinfo |
Displays party Info |
/ban |
Ban a player from Guild |
/cleartooff |
Clean your Ignore List |
/checkrep |
Checks your Player Reputation |
/servertime |
Display Official Nemesis Server Time |
/togglepartyinterface |
Toggle to none/small/big the party interface |
/showexpbar |
Disable/Eable Experience Bar |
/assist |
Makes your Summon Target same target than your Player |
/showsummonevents |
Display the list of summon Events Coming |
/afk |
Toggle your char to AFK mode (only on buildings) |
/mapinfo |
Display Map Information and restrictions |
/MonsterCount |
Show a count of total Monsters in Map |
/togglepartyminimap |
Display your party members on MiniMap |
/togglebufficons |
Toggle on/off the Buff Icons |
/toggleskillbar |
Toggle on/off the Skill Progress Bar |
/toggleautoreconnect |
Toggle on/off Auto Reconnect |
/enableautoreconnect |
Enable Auto Reconnect |
/disableautoreconnect |
Disable Auto Reconnect |