Registro de alterações
- * * Added Armor renting quests new values (56%)
- * Updated Armor renting quests to new values
- * Enabled Halloween Event in cityhalls as Seasonal Quests
- * Added 1 Coin Cost to each Corrupted Rare Item Quest.
- * Increased Security for DDOS Attacks.
- * Ettins Added to Middleland Riversides
- * Added Corrupted RARE ITEM Quests to Cityhalls. Amounts to be updated based on statistics
- * Auto Heldenians Setted to Draw and Canceled
- * Toh3 and Dungeon 4 Teleports Fixed for both towns
- * Troll Pits in middleland Adjusted
- * command /who REMOVED for players
- * Website and game Changelog sync.
- * All Guild Costs adjusted to 10%
- * HP Slate creation disabled. Existing HP slates Replaced for Exp Slates
- * fast COMBAT skills. One Hit +1%
- * Experience multipliers for levels Minor to 180 Tripled for faster 180
- * Crops added to Farms for easy Combat Skills
- * Invi SPELL disabled from PVP events
- * Utility Skills Max REMOVED.
- * Civilians Max Level Changed to 140
- * Elvine blacksmith recall spot safe fixed
- * Snake Pits replaced by Troll pits in middleland
- * Scorp Pits Replaced by Troll pits in Promiseland
- * Orc pit added to farms
- * Skeleton Pit added to farm and towns
- * infernias & procella quests fixed
- * Town Change Contract Price Reduced to 5 Coins
- * Party exp split + 10% extra
- * Mp regen floor modified to be BEFORE armor bonus (for 200 mag its min 50 + set extra)
- * Mana Converting Mp + 14 Parts added for 30 Days Rent for 1 coin each.
- * Crit Increase HP + 14 Parts added for 30 Days Rent for 1 coin each.
- * Server No more memory Debug
- * Portal Game Settings added
- * Mid Week heldenian ADDED (wed 10am server time)
- * Abaddon map Quest Rewards Updated. (check on ch)
- * Procella Quest reward Updated
- * InferniaA and B Quest Reward Updated
- * Top EK list display also Eks from tooked Hero parts.
- * Added Dye Color Models on
- * NPC Behaviour to Game DEFAULT speed. (its increased actually)
- * Werewolf Skinning part fixed top from 80 to 85%
- * PRIMARY DROP 2nd stat ADJUST between trash and lower tiers (still low, dont dream)
- * SECONDARY increased. (no effect on always droppers)
- * toh1, toh2 and toh3 RANDOM spawn amount increased 50%
- * unis deleted from garden/towns
- * Unis Added to middleland
- * Removed Unicorn rep-
- * Most of website drops reviewed to match
- * Timing on /showtime should match ppl with max 1 second difference
- * Prevent party and guild quest to increase when dead OR pretend Corpse.
- * Minimun Mana regen based on MAG. 100/150/200 minimuns to 30/40/50
- * Party formula review
- * Safe attack and Peace Mode being Saved on change map
- * Dragonia Dragons Quest price increased to 3 MP / 800 contry
- * Apocalipse extended to 72 Hours (full saturday/sunday/Monday)
- * Troll Pit in middleland left Island. 5 Mobs Only.
- * Ogre Skinning % reduced from 60~80 to 55~75
- * Portals to Bleeding Island inside Cityhalls (bottom).
- * Ancient Tablets Fixed to match Description (15 minutes)
- * Dungeon 4 spawns slightly adjusted to have more center demon & barlogs
- * Auto Safe Mode on Login & Map Change (Since Safe make full damage now, it was /2)
- * Unicorn amount in Garden Reduced.
- * TW amount in icebound Reduced
- * Recall Scroll To be used ONLY lvl 100-
- * Druncnian City pits fixed some minor coordinates issue.
- * Apoca fix for force recall not happening when Closes. (needs testing)
- * Dragonia Dragons Quest Reward Updated to 2 Majestics.
- * Added Thursday Fight Club 10 Coins. 1 vs 1 Fixed brackets Event.
- * Video Section added to Website:
- * Experience Split rework: Party Bonus Deleted (it was 0.2 * partymembers with max 3x)
- * Base exp Tripled.
- * Extra 30% exp REMOVED from: Gardens, EF, SW, RH, DV.
- * Safe attack should Hit same Hard as No Safe now. (to be tested).
- * Guide on Website Online with Translations (still need adds).
- * Fixed some coordinates on client to fix ghost damages/cast.
- * Fixed incomplete Manufacture List on Client Side.
- * Enable Controlled Account Sharing (10 Coins Cost)
- * added CTRL + O to toggle party interface mode
- * Npc and monster Ghosts Fix propagated to all Server.
- * Adapted Login to Support CONTROLLED account Sharing.
- * Fixed Name Change Contracts
- * Recall Pads in Towns not allowing enemys to Safe anymore.
- * Skinning Knife changed to Hook
- * Dragonia Dragons Quest rebalanced.
- * Sound and Music Volume Saving
- * added CTRL + O to toggle party interface mode
- * Web Warehouse displaying Ancient pieces Side
- * Steam login check enabled back. Need the linked steam account to login.
- * Made a try to fix Ghost spot bug, screwed WH, fail, so reverted it.
- * Removed HCs from Toh3
- * Attempt to fix a visual bug
- * Name Change removed
- * Client will remember window mode/size/position now.
- * Enabled Website Warehouse
- * middleland min level 100, Cyclops pit in left island Removed.
- * 30% permanent Experience Boost to the following Maps: Promiseland, Pl Dungeon, Dungeon 2|3|4, toh1|2, DV|RH, EF|SW, Gardens.
- * Auto Safe Attack on Login/Change Map
- * Fixed some bad teleport Spot to safe from town to ML.
- * Fixed some TP values
- * Removed Old pit reservation from Guildhall
- * Fixed Showing incorrect raid time on F12
- * Added Enemy Marking to Client
- * Medium Detail Level adjusted for: Color, no trees, No Water Shake.
- * Removed lucky tickets from shop. Added them as quest in shopkeeper so they cant be abused by chr fast chars.
- * Added paypal option on Website Store->Cash in
- * Forced helgame to always use Fullscreen (old window mode force disabled.)
- * Fixed F12 Toggle for NEW resizable Window Mode and added Alt + Enter Hotkey to Switch it
- * Removed Options from Updater. They are forced On Now so no more confusion.
- * Recent EK Fixed
- * Added back Safe Zones in Middleland to prevent abuse in ddos mode.
- * Fixed PGP and SPGP drops
- * Fixed HC in ML
- * Password Recovery Fixed
- * Ticket System Emails Fixed
- * Fixed some Quests to match Descriptions.
- * Fixed Input Box not opening with shift+1 = !
- * Ctrl + H on the map name at bottom will request assistance to last used chat
- * fixed crash on Chat History Scrolling